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Category: Dog Food

Dog Food

Showing 49–64 of 153 results

  • Give your dog the taste of a pot roast dinner with each serving of Merrick Chunky Grain Free Wet Dog Food Pappy’s Pot Roast Dinner Recipe. The first ingredient in this delectable beef dog food is always real, wholesome USDA-inspected deboned beef. Pop open a can of this adult dog food and fill your dog’s bowl with the big chunks of beef and hand-stuffed red jacket new potatoes and carrots in a mouth-watering gravy. This grain free canned dog food recipe makes any mealtime special, and the addition of a savory gravy gives your dog something to look forward to. All Merrick canned recipes can be served as a topper for dry kibble or a standalone meal. Like all Merrick recipes, this moist and meaty dog food formula was crafted in our Hereford, Texas kitchen and cooked in the USA.Why We Love It Grain-free with easy to digest carbohydrates like potatoes Real farm fresh chunks of beef About MerrickMerrick isn’t your typical pet food company, and Merrick doesn’t just make pet food. Merrick makes the best food ever for the best pet ever. Yours. The five star promise from Merrick is what’s guaranteed to each and every dog and cat, along with their owners. Local growers, real whole foods, their own kitchen, balanced nutrition, and health you can see. Merrick creates real, wholesome recipes using USDA-inspected deboned meat and fresh produce for industry leading levels of protein, glucosamine and chondroitin. All of Merrick’s foods are handcrafted in Hereford, Texas from USA farmers they know and trust. With no additives, sweeteners, colors or preservatives, real whole foods including high quality meats and fresh caught fish are the core of every Merrick dog and cat food. Merrick has been cooking their own foods in their own Texas kitchen for over 25 years. They stand behind their products with a 100% guarantee, promising that your dog or cat will be happier and healthier. You are what you eat, so why not feed your best friend the very best? .

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  • NOTE YOU MAY RECEIVE ORIGINAL FORMULA AND PACKAGING DURING THE TRANSITION Best-in-class nutrition and big-time taste? Merrick Classic Healthy Grains dry dog food treats your dog to both and more, in easily digestible recipes that balance protein, fruits, vegetables and a healthy blend of whole grainsincluding ancient grains to support optimal digestionand supply high levels of fiber, Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, glucosamine and chondroitin. Merrick Classic Healthy Grains is best for puppies and adult dogs. FULL OF FIBER AND WHOLE GRAINS. Crafted with a blend of grains including brown rice, barley and quinoa. .

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  • NOTE YOU MAY RECEIVE ORIGINAL FORMULA AND PACKAGING DURING THE TRANSITION Best-in-class nutrition and big-time taste? Merrick Classic Healthy Grains dry dog food treats your dog to both and more, in easily digestible recipes that balance protein, fruits, vegetables and a healthy blend of whole grainsincluding ancient grains to support optimal digestionand supply high levels of fiber, Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, glucosamine and chondroitin. Merrick Classic Healthy Grains is best for puppies and adult dogs. FULL OF FIBER AND WHOLE GRAINS. Crafted with a blend of grains including brown rice, barley and quinoa. .

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  • NOTE YOU MAY RECEIVE ORIGINAL FORMULA AND PACKAGING DURING THE TRANSITION Best-in-class nutrition and big-time taste? Merrick Classic Healthy Grains dry dog food treats your dog to both and more, in easily digestible recipes that balance protein, fruits, vegetables and a healthy blend of whole grainsincluding ancient grains to support optimal digestionand supply high levels of fiber, Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, glucosamine and chondroitin. Merrick Classic Healthy Grains is best for puppies and adult dogs. FULL OF FIBER AND WHOLE GRAINS. Crafted with a blend of grains including brown rice, barley and quinoa. .

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  • Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Cowboy Cookout’s first ingredient is always real USDA-inspected deboned beef. This real beef dog food recipe also contains carrots, green beans and granny smith apples, to lend wholesome goodness and variety to your dog’s menu. A savory dog food gravy made with beef broth adds even more flavor and moisture to daily meals. To meet your dietary preferences, this grain free wet dog food with vegetables contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or by-products. Use this Merrick moist dog food recipe as a topper for your dog’s dry kibble, or serve it as a nutritious standalone meal. A convenient pull-tab can makes preparing your dog’s meal quick and easy. Like all Merrick recipes, Cowboy Cookout was crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Why We Love ItMade with real deboned beef accompanied by fresh produce like carrots and sweet potatoes!Grain-free with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives! About MerrickMerrick isn’t your typical pet food company, and Merrick doesn’t just make pet food. Merrick makes the best food ever for the best pet ever. Yours. The five star promise from Merrick is what’s guaranteed to each and every dog and cat, along with their owners. Local growers, real whole foods, their own kitchen, balanced nutrition, and health you can see. Merrick creates real, wholesome recipes using USDA-inspected deboned meat and fresh produce for industry leading levels of protein, glucosamine and chondroitin. All of Merrick’s foods are handcrafted in Hereford, Texas from USA farmers they know and trust. With no additives, sweeteners, colors or preservatives, real whole foods including high quality meats and fresh caught fish are the core of every Merrick dog and cat food. Merrick has been cooking their own foods in their own Texas kitchen for over 25 years. They stand behind their products with a 100% guarantee, promising that your dog or cat will be happier and healthier. You are what you eat, so why not feed your best friend the very best?

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  • Give your dog the taste of a steak dinner with each serving of Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Chunky Big Texas Steak Tips Dinner. The first ingredient in this homestyle beef dog food is always real, wholesome USDA-inspected deboned beef. Pop open a can of this adult dog food and fill your dog’s bowl with the big chunks of beef in a mouth-watering gravy that dogs love. This grain free canned dog food recipe makes any mealtime special, and the addition of a savory gravy gives your dog something to look forward to. All Merrick canned recipes can be served as a topper for dry kibble or a standalone meal. Like all Merrick recipes, this moist and meaty dog food formula was crafted in our Hereford, Texas kitchen and cooked in the USA.Why We Love ItMade with large chunks of real, locally sourced Texas beef! Grain-free with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives! About MerrickMerrick isn’t your typical pet food company, and Merrick doesn’t just make pet food. Merrick makes the best food ever for the best pet ever. Yours. The five star promise from Merrick is what’s guaranteed to each and every dog and cat, along with their owners. Local growers, real whole foods, their own kitchen, balanced nutrition, and health you can see. Merrick creates real, wholesome recipes using USDA-inspected deboned meat and fresh produce for industry leading levels of protein, glucosamine and chondroitin. All of Merrick’s foods are handcrafted in Hereford, Texas from USA farmers they know and trust. With no additives, sweeteners, colors or preservatives, real whole foods including high quality meats and fresh caught fish are the core of every Merrick dog and cat food. Merrick has been cooking their own foods in their own Texas kitchen for over 25 years. They stand behind their products with a 100% guarantee, promising that your dog or cat will be happier and healthier. You are what you eat, so why not feed your best friend the very best? .

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  • The Merrick Grain Free dog food story is one of superior nutrition, delicious taste and using the highest quality ingredients. Its about staying true to our roots and staying put in our original Hereford, Texas, USA kitchen the one where Garth Merrick started our company and where we still hand craft our natural dog food recipes today. All Merrick Grain Free dry dog food recipes start with real deboned meat and real whole foods like sweet potatoes, blueberries, peas and more to provide natural dog food nutrition thats complete and balanced with leading levels of quality protein, plus Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids to ensure great looking, healthy skin and coat. #1 INGREDIENT: DEBONED MEAT, FISH OR POULTRY: Merrick Grain Free dog food recipes contain leading levels of high quality proteins for healthy energy levels, building muscle mass and a great taste your dog will love. .

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  • To have a pet at the home requires a lot of passion, care and love. Our Pet Supplies items consist of high quality selection of pets daily needs and everything concerning for your beloved furry pals&#46. Features Items for all types of pets; Quality selection for everyday pet needs; Assured hygiene and care for pets; Specifications Capacity: 22 lbs; .

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  • The Merrick Grain Free puppy food story is one of superior nutrition, delicious taste and using the highest quality ingredients. Its about staying true to our roots and staying put in our original Hereford, Texas, USA kitchenthe one where Garth Merrick started our company and where we still hand craft our natural dog food recipes today. All Merrick Grain Free dry dog food recipes start with real deboned meat and real whole foods like sweet potatoes, blueberries, peas and more to provide natural dog food nutrition thats complete and balancedwith leading levels of quality protein, plus Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids to ensure great looking, healthy skin and coat. #1 INGREDIENT: DEBONED MEAT, FISH OR POULTRY: Merrick Grain Free puppy food recipes contain leading levels of high quality proteins for healthy energy levels, building muscle mass and a great taste your dog will love. .

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  • To have a pet at the home requires a lot of passion, care and love. Our Pet Supplies items consist of high quality selection of pets daily needs and everything concerning for your beloved furry pals&#46. Features Items for all types of pets; Quality selection for everyday pet needs; Assured hygiene and care for pets; Specifications Capacity: 22 lbs; .

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  • The Merrick Grain Free dog food story is one of superior nutrition, delicious taste and using the highest quality ingredients. Its about staying true to our roots and staying put in our original Hereford, Texas, USA kitchen the one where Garth Merrick started our company and where we still hand craft our natural dog food recipes today. All Merrick Grain Free dry dog food recipes start with real deboned meat and real whole foods like sweet potatoes, blueberries, peas and more to provide natural dog food nutrition thats complete and balanced with leading levels of quality protein, plus Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids to ensure great looking, healthy skin and coat. #1 INGREDIENT: DEBONED MEAT, FISH OR POULTRY: Merrick Grain Free dog food recipes contain leading levels of high quality proteins for healthy energy levels, building muscle mass and a great taste your dog will love. .

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  • Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Thanksgiving Day Dinner’s first ingredient is always real USDA-inspected deboned turkey. This real turkey dog food recipe also contains chicken among the first five ingredients. Other natural ingredients, including sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and granny smith apples, lend wholesome goodness and variety to your dog’s menu. A savory dog food gravy made with chicken and turkey broth adds even more flavor and moisture to daily meals. To meet your dietary preferences, this grain free wet dog food with vegetables contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or by-products. Use this Merrick moist dog food recipe as a topper for your dog’s dry kibble, or serve it as a nutritious standalone meal. A convenient pull-tab can makes preparing your dog’s meal quick and easy. Like all Merrick recipes, Thanksgiving Day Dinner was crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA. Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Thanksgiving Day Dinner- Real deboned turkey is the first ingredient- Grain free wet dog food also contains real deboned chicken- Other natural ingredients include sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and granny smith apples- No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or by-products .

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  • For dogs with food sensitivities, less is a whole lot more. Thats why these Merrick Limited Ingredient dry dog food recipes contain just nine key ingredients plus vitamins and mineralsand deliver the complete, balanced nutrition dogs need, all in a mixture thats delicious and easily digestible. Merrick Limited Ingredient dog food recipes are ideal for dogs with food sensitivities and allergies, featuring a single source animal protein. .

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  • Nourish your dog with the high-quality protein and healthy fats needed to thrive when you serve this Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Real Beef, Lamb and Bison Dinner. Featuring real USDA-inspected deboned beef as the first ingredient, this canned dog food recipe contains 96% protein from animal sources and wholesome ingredients including all the vitamins and minerals your dog needs for complete and balanced nutrition. To meet your dog’s dietary needs, this dog food with real meat is made without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives and is poultry free, pea free and potato free. The tender pate texture makes this adult dog food ideal for all breeds and sizes. Offer this wet food for dogs with real deboned beef as a delicious standalone meal, or use it as a flavorful topper to make your dog’s dry kibble even more tempting. Like all Merrick recipes, this poultry free dog food was crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA.; Nourish your dog with high-quality protein and healthy fats in Merrick Grain Free Wet Dog Food Real Beef + Lamb + Bison Dinner. With real deboned beef as the first ingredient, this recipe was crafted in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA.

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  • Merrick Grain-Free 96% Real Chicken Canned Dog Food focuses on quality protein and healthy fats that dogs thrive on. Merrick Grain-free 96% Real Chicken Canned Dog Food starts with real and wholesome USDA-inspected deboned chicken accompanied by the vitamins and minerals your dog needs for complete nutrition. An excellent topper for dry kibble or a delicious stand alone meal, Merrick Grain-Free 96% Real Chicken Canned Dog Food has no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or by-products!Why We Love ItMade up of 96% real USDA-inspected deboned chickenGrain-free and made with no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or by-products About MerrickMerrick isn’t your typical pet food company, and Merrick doesn’t just make pet food. Merrick makes the best food ever for the best pet ever. Yours. The five star promise from Merrick is what’s guaranteed to each and every dog and cat, along with their owners. Local growers, real whole foods, their own kitchen, balanced nutrition, and health you can see. Merrick creates real, wholesome recipes using USDA-inspected deboned meat and fresh produce for industry leading levels of protein, glucosamine and chondroitin. All of Merrick’s foods are handcrafted in Hereford, Texas from USA farmers they know and trust. With no additives, sweeteners, colors or preservatives, real whole foods including high quality meats and fresh caught fish are the core of every Merrick dog and cat food. Merrick has been cooking their own foods in their own Texas kitchen for over 25 years. They stand behind their products with a 100% guarantee, promising that your dog or cat will be happier and healthier. You are what you eat, so why not feed your best friend the very best?

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