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Vectra 3D for Large Dogs 56-95 lbs – 6 Doses


Vectra for Large dogs weighing 56-95 lbs. Can be used on Dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older. Fast acting. Reduced flea feeding in 5 minutes. kills fleas in 6 hours. Kills on contact. Parasites do not have to bite to die. Broad spectrum protection. Monthly dose repels and kills fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, biting and sand flies, lice and mites (excluding mange mites).


Repels and kills fleas, ticks, mosquitos, lice, mites (excluding mange mites), and biting & sand flies Protects for 1 month Prevents all flea stages from developing Quick drying, non-greasy and waterproof

SKU: 0794429C Category:



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