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Purina ONE High Protein Vibrant Maturity Adult 7 Plus Formula Senior Dry Dog Food


Give your senior dog the nutrition that he needs along with the taste that he loves with Purina ONE SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity Adult 7+ Formula dry dog food. Chicken is the #1 ingredient, providing a high-quality source of protein for his daily diet, and 0% fillers means that every ingredient in this recipe has a purpose. Enhanced botanical oils in every serving nourish and help promote mental sharpness, and a natural source of glucosamine helps to support his healthy joints so that he can maintain his sense of adventure. This senior dog food features a highly-digestible formula, so more nutrition goes to work inside of your dog. A combination of protein-rich meaty morsels and crunchy kibble gives him the taste and texture he’ll love, and 100% complete and balanced nutrition provides a smart solution for your older dog’s feeding routine. Your senior dog has unique nutritional needs, and Purina ONE SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity Adult 7+ Formula dry dog food helps you to meet those needs. This senior dry dog food recipe is created for the changing needs of dogs seven and older, with enhanced botanical oils to help promote mental sharpness, and it’s high in protein to support your dog’s strong muscles and heart. A dual-defense antioxidant blend helps support his strong immune system, and omega-6 fatty acids help support healthy skin and coat to help him look his best every day. The crunchy kibble helps clean your dog’s teeth and keep his gums healthy, and the combination of tender morsels and crunchy bites provides a taste and texture dogs love. With vitamins E and A, this dry dog food for senior dogs helps to support his bright eyes. Serve Purina ONE SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity Adult 7+ as his main daily meal, or add one of our Purina ONE wet dog food formulas for extra variety in his diet. As your dog ages, you want to make sure he’s still getting the nutrition he needs to be his best self. That’s why this recipe offers a SmartBlend of innovative nutrition and purposeful ingredients that naturally work together to provide your dog with lifelong whole body health you can see. We craft this recipe in our Purina-owned U.S. facilities, so you can rest easy knowing his meals are coming from a trusted source. Each batch goes through rigorous checks for quality and safety throughout the production process to give you added peace of mind, and quality is our top priority in every wet and dry dog food we produce. Backed by Purina’s more than 90 years of innovation, Purina ONE is a brand we are proud to create for your dog and his unique nutritional needs. Fill his bowl with Purina ONE SmartBlend Vibrant Maturity Adult 7+ Formula dry dog food every day, and show him just how important his health and happiness are to you.


Product details

Purina dog food for senior dogs with MCT-rich vegetable oil to nourish and promote mental sharpness and shows an increased average activity level of over 20 percent in dogs seven and older



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