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Nutro Natural Choice Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Large Breed Puppy Dry Dog Food, 30 Lbs.


Nutro Wholesome Essentials Large Breed Puppy Farm-Raised Chicken, Brown Rice & Sweet Potato Recipe Dog Food always starts with great tasting, farm-raised chicken as the first ingredient and is made with high-quality nutrients like glucosamine and chondroitin. This dog food contains calcium to build strong bones and joints and omega 3 fatty acids like DHA to support the growth and development needs of your large breed puppy. NUTRO Food for Dogs always follows the The Nutro Feed Clean philosophy, is always made with Non-GMO* Ingredients and contains no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Why We Love ItMade with real farm raised chicken and added calcium for strong bonesNutro Feed Clean philosohy ensures no GMO ingredients and no artificial preservatives or colorsMade in the USAOur dogs love to get dirty. Rainy games of fetch at the park, muddy walks in the woods, jumping into the lake, it’s all in a day’s work for our best friends. While our dogs get dirty, NUTRO has gone above and beyond to create clean recipes. With non-GMO ingredients (trace amounts of genetically modified material may be present due to cross-contact during manufacturing), no artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, and with high quality, real proteins like real chicken, venison, and duck as the first ingredient in every recipe, NUTRO Feed Clean philosophy brings new meaning to dog food. With tailored, natural nutrition including grain-free, limited ingredient, high protein and more, all made in the USA, the highest safety standards, unmatched community involvement, and visible health benefits, NUTRO continues to show their commitment to providing high-quality, clean recipes so that our dogs can get back to doing what they do best – getting dirty. Nutro. Feed Clean. .


Product details

Contains one (1) 30 lb. bag of NUTRO NATURAL CHOICE Large Breed Puppy Dry Dog Food, Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe for large breed puppies up to 18 months old; real chicken is the #1 ingredient Made with non-GMO ingredients*; no chicken by-product meal, corn, wheat, or soy* High quality protein source is the #1 ingredient in the delicious dry kibble Supports brain and eye development in your large breed puppy with omega-3 fatty acids like DHA Natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin; formulated to support healthy joints Supports healthy immunity with essential antioxidants Cooked in our facilities with the finest ingredients from around the world



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