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Jinx Salmon, Sweet Potato & Carrot Dry Dog Food, Grain Free, 23.5 lb. Bag


Real salmon is the #1 ingredient in our Jinx Salmon Recipe Natural Grain-Free Dry Dog Food. Made with high quality protein to promote healthy joints and muscles and essential vitamins and minerals to support your dog’s overall brain, immune and heart function. Our Jinx Salmon Recipe is formulated by experts to ensure your dog maintains a strong foundation of health — with a great taste that can only come from using real, high quality ingredients. You’ll see the Jinx difference in a shiny coat, bright eyes, healthy teeth and gums, and improved digestion. Every bag of Jinx comes with our promise to never use artificial ingredients or fillers like corn, wheat, soy or animal byproducts. Created for dogs of all ages, breeds and sizes.


HIGH PROTEIN from real salmon (the #1 ingredient in our Jinx Salmon Recipe) promotes healthy joint support and muscle growth GRAIN-FREE for dogs with sensitivities or allergies VITAMIN-RICH sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and blueberries build a strong immune system while promoting a shiny coat, bright eyes, and healthy heart function CALCIUM & PHOSPHORUS for strong bones and teeth BIOTIN and fish oil prevent against dry skin and aid in healthy muscle generation GREAT TASTE that your dog will love ZERO FILLERS like corn, wheat, soy or animal byproducts ALL NATURAL ingredients will give your dog a shinier coat, healthier digestion, and more energy to thrive


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