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Instinct Raw Boost Small Breed Grain-Free Recipe with Real Chicken Natural Dry Dog Food by Nature’s Variety, 10 lb. Bag


Some dogs may be smaller, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a mighty appetite! Nature’s Variety Instinct Raw Boost Small Breed Grain-Free Chicken Meal Dry Dog Food brings protein packed, optimal nutrition to your small breed pooch. Packed with wholesome fruits and vegetables and beneficial vitamins and minerals, glucosamine and chondroiton work together to keep your dog’s joints strong and healthy, while omega fatty acids help them maintain a coat that’s glossy and strong. Added probiotics and antioxidants also support a well-functioning digestive and immune system. And freeze-dried raw pieces mixed in helps give Instinct Raw Boost Small Breed Grain-Free Chicken Meal Dry Dog Food an extra boost of flavor and nutrition.Why We Love ItFree of grains and glutenMade for adult dogs under 30 lbsSmall kibble size, ideal for small breed dogs About Nature’s VarietyNature’s Variety empowers pet owners to transform the lives of their pets by making proper, holistic nutrition for dogs and cats. Since 2002, Nature’s Variety has produced the best nutrition through healthy, natural ingredients in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nature’s Variety Instinct has LED the industry in raw diets through frozen raw, freeze-dried raw, raw boost and grain-free raw inspired formulas that mimic the ancestral diet of high protein, minimally processed lean meats, and zero grains, that dogs and cats thrived on for thousands of years. Nature’s Variety Prairie line provides the best source of nutrition for optimal nourishment and holistic nutrition, made with pure animal protein, whole grains, and fresh vegetables and fruits, with a freeze-dried raw coating for added nutrition and taste. Made with integrity and care in the USA, a 100% satisfaction guarantee is a proud piece of the Nature’s Variety promise.


Product details

Instinct Raw Boost Grain-Free Recipe with Real Beef for Small Breed Dogs Natural Dry Dog Food by Nature’s Variety, 4 lb. Bag Instinct is the raw-brand division of Nature’s Variety and promotes pet health through natural, real ingredients. Instinct gives your pet the benefits of raw nutrition conveniently, safely, and without fillers, by-products, and artificial preservatives. Instinct Raw Boost Grain-Free Recipe with Real Beef for Small Breed Dogs dry dog food is designed for little pooches. It combines grain-free, high-protein kibble plus freeze-dried raw pieces of beef to give your best canine friend a real nutritional boost. Instinct Raw Boost Grain-Free Recipe with Real Beef for Small Breed Dogs has calcium and phosphorus for strong bones and teeth and glucosamine and chondroitin for joint health.



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